On which devices can I download the ebook I have just purchased?

The ebooks have to be downloaded first on a Desktop computer, not a mobile device. 
Once the ebook has been successfully downloaded and saved onto your Desktop, you can then move it on to any mobile device you wish.
How can ebooks in ePub format be read on my iPad?
Follow these steps to get started with reading ebooks in ePub format on iPad devices:
Download the ePub file on a PC / Mac   
Add this file into your iTunes Library 
Connect your iPad to the PC / Mac 
Synchronize automatically or manually the iTunes Library with the iPad
Open the ebook on your iPad with the iBooks app. 
Are there any ebooks on your Interlinguæbooks website that can be downloaded for free?
Yes, there is a pool of free ebooks from a selection of authors on our website. If you have already purchased an ebook from one of those authors, you may download a selected free ebook from the same author.
What sort of security encryption does Interlinguæbooks use for its ebooks?
Our ebooks are encrypted, so that it is not possible to pirate them. Besides, the low cost of our ebooks and the risk that a pirated copy has been altered, abridged or contaminated with a virus makes it easier and safer to buy our original e-books.  
How do I contact Interlinguæbooks?
Please click here for contact details.
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